#oh btw the show is dead boy detectives if you didn't see that. it's so damn good it will rip your heart out
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 10 months ago
as an apology for my recent brief shift from tdp content. (my heart just got broken by a show about dead british people I apologize) here are some textposts
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wifeofwandamaximoff · 6 months ago
Meeting the Lover
Everyone just arrived at the base about 5 miles away from it. When all of a sudden Jarvis detected a heat signature. Wanda knew it was you so she ran out of the quinjet to find you. Everyone screamed Wanda to come back but it was too late she was too excited to see her love again after 3 weeks apart from each other and that was far too long for Wanda.
Then she saw you sitting on a tree branch smiling at her. She giggled and made grabby hands so you could bring her up to hug and kiss each other.
(You could control the elements btw). You summoned some vines to carefully bring her to you.
"Hello mon chou." you said when she finally was in reach of you. She jumped in your arms and sighed contently to be in your arms again. (Mon chou stands for my sweet bun, a pastry because Wanda is sweet :O )
"Hi detka!" squealed Wanda because she was so excited to see you.
Just then you heard the avengers screaming Wanda's name.
"Mon chou the team is looking for you lets go back down." you whispered softly to her.
"Hmm just a minute I missed you." hummed Wanda.
"Mon chou lets go before they send a search party and let me see my sestra." you persuaded her.
Natasha Romanoff was your older sister. You both were separated in the red room. When she escaped you had to pay for it. You were tortured and experimented on all because of her actions. You were in there for about another five years until you escaped.
Then Hydra captured you when they found out you were an assassin. That's where you met Wanda and her brother Pietro. He always supported your relationship with Wanda of course once you both became lovers. Sadly the red room found you again a took you from Hydra making the twins think that you died when you touched the soul stone. You were the only person in Hydra to touch the soul stone twice gaining controlling the elements and wings.
Your sister thought you were dead when she went back to the red room with Clint but Dreykov told your sister you died when you had really been moved to the new red room. So you haven't seen her in years. 
You've been living in France for the past five years but decided to go look for Wanda. She mourned for you but never moved on because you were her soulmate. She of course was over joyed when she saw you but was extremely mad when you didn't contact her until that moment. Yeah you got a harsh slap on the cheek twice.
"Lets go now Mon chou its been five minutes." you said
"Fine but I want cuddles when we finish the mission." she said with puppy eyes.
"Mon chou you know I can't I need to go back to France." you told her and she started to have tears well up in her eyes.
You felt really bad so you did some thinking.
"lets go mon chou, I need to meet the team anyways."
She just hummed wiping her tears away.
I then lowered us both down and landed in front of the team. The vines then let Wanda go but she still clung onto you. The team saw you and thought you were a threat but when Nat told them to lower their weapons they hesitantly did.
Nat had tears in her eyes and she dropped her gun. Her hands were shaking violently.
"Y-y/n?" whispered Nat when she was directly right in front of you. Wanda let you go letting you have a moment with your sister. after years of not seeing each other. 
"Hello Nataila..." you softly said. You then opened your arms inviting her into a hug. The boys were shocked because Nat never shown PDA. But you or Yelena were the ones who she would show PDA with.
She ran into your arms and clung onto your mission suit.
(epic mission suit :D)
After our little moment I started to introduce my self to the avengers.
"hello my name is Y/n Romanoff now lets get this mission done so I could go back home." , you spoke with blank coldness yo assert dominance to the team. (Lamo that sounds cringe)
They just nodded kinda afraid of you now.
You then made your wings spread. Totally forgetting Nat was still holding onto you.
"Y/n! Let me down!" squealed Nat.
"Oh shit my bad."
"Language!" yelled Steve
You rolled your eyes at him then dropped your sister making her scream while the others ran towards her to catch her. Right before she hit the ground you summoned some vines to soften her landing.
When Nat was recovered from shock she looked up and glared at you while your girlfriend was just rolling her eyes.
You just stuck your tongue out at her and flew off to the Hydra base. Planning on finishing the mission before the avengers get here.
(Time skip when the computer finished uploading everything to the flash drive.)
Right after you pulled the flash drive out about 15 hydra men swarmed you. They began firing special bullets that they just made for you. You quickly noticed that the bullets were special so you quickly exploded the hydra base sensing that the team was in a safe distance to explode the base.
You used your wings to fly and try to quickly find an exit or Wanda and Nat was going to have a panic attack.
"Y/n where are you!?" Wanda screeched in your ear. You forgot that you could communicate with the others. You were use to doing solo missions. (We just independent like that).
"Wanda im fine but im not going to be fine if you give me an ear infection, your harming my cochlea mon chou." you said softly but really you were panicking from not being able to find an exit. 
"Im sorry but just get out go there Tony said that apparently you exploded the hydra base on the west side. Y/n River Romanoff you better be on the east side of the building." demanded Wanda at the end.
"Wanda is right you better be on the east side I just got you back so you can't leave me and Wanda." demanded your sister in a angry yet broken voice.
I just ignored them. Focusing more on finding an exit and not leaving the two most important people in my life.
Just then I turned back when I felt heat behind me. I saw fire. I then turned back and quickly ran throughout the east side finding a building.
"Y/n! Where are you!? Your sister and your girlfriend are freaking out your gonna send them in a early grave Y/n!" exclaimed Tony.
"Even though I don't know you very well Romanoff I don't want those two to be in a world of pain where their favorite person is gone kid. I also have a feeling we're gonna be great fucking friends." Tony told me.
I was about to say something when I felt something pierce me in the stomach. I looked up and saw one hydra agent that was able to find me. Blood was spewing out of my mouth like a water fountain. I was coughing up so much blood that there was a puddle forming beneath me. I looked up and saw a hydra agent standing there with a gun in his hand.
"If in going down you're going down with me!" shouted the hydra agent.
Then I felt myself going up to flames with the hydra agent.
Wanda's pov:
The hydra base then exploded. I felt my whole world crumble and my heart shattering at the thought that I was never gonna see Y/n again, the love of my life was gone. My knees buckled and Nat held me up. I could feel her grief and her thoughts were too loud.
God damnit Y/n River Romanoff! Why did you leave me I just got you back! God damnit! Just come back to me I can't l-lose you again. Fuck its all my fault! If I helped her out with the agents she would still be here! God damnit Natalia why didn't you help her!
I then looked up at Nat and I was greeted by tears. Just then I felt a gust of wind. I looked at the direction where the wind blew and I saw her.
I blinked multiple times to make sure she wasn't a production of my imagine. But she didn't go away or fade away. I abruptly stood up and felt Nat's arms fall off my body. I slammed my body into here holding on as tight as I would afraid she would leave me. Then I felt another body slam into Y/n's and I peeked over and saw Nat was sobbing in her chest.
After a while I asked a questioned we all probably wanted to know.
"How are you alive the building exploded and no survivors were left!" I sobbed out.
"I think we all want to know that to Y/n." said Steve.
"Oh I wasn't here at all for the fight I just went to a donut shop after I dropped Nat." Y/n said smoothly. A little too smoothly.
"Y/n what are you hiding from us?" I questioned her and tilted my head to the side.
Her eyes widened when she saw my head tilt.
"Okokok um so I just found out like yesterday before I got here I could clone my self..." she rambled out.
After me and Nat scolded her for not telling us before we went to the hydra base, more like her clone but im just glad she's still here with me.
We arrived back at the compound and everyone went straight to their rooms tired from the mission. After a while Tony called all of us to the living for something.
When we all arrived there we just waited for Tony to say something.
"Ok I called you guys down here because I want to throw a part-" Nat cut off Tony before he could say anything else,.
"Stark if your about to celebrate my sister for almost dying today im going to cut your finger off."
He then just started to think for a second to make up an excuse.
"No for meeting the lover that has Wanda all smiley and giggly before she goes back to France." Tony said happily.
Me and Nat both frowned being reminded that Y/n was going back to France.
"Actually Fury came by earlier and invited me to the avengers, so I accepted!" Y/n told us happily.
I then threw my body on hers really happy from the news. Then I felt Nat push me away and plopped onto Y/n's body.
I then pouted because Nat stole my cuddle buddy.
Y/n's pov
I was so glad that im able to get a fresh start and be able to stay with my two favorite people in the world.
Made a long one because the others were short.
I made this like a year ago and now looking back on it im cringing quite hard...
(Not proofread!)
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